
Rebel Boys tend to rebel against their parents in adolescence
Congestion I tried to avoid congestion
Exposure Exposure to secondhand smoke is serious problem
Coverage There were a lot of media coverage of this car crash
Brochure I gave my parents the brochure of our school festival
Inspection You have to take car inspection regularly
Copper Copper is widely blown as third precious color
Burial I attended my grandfather’s burial
Shame It’s shame that you discriminate her
Sophisticated His works are sophisticated

Topic What do you think about very young children going to cram school?

I don’t think it’s a good thing because I think children have to play with their friends and learn how to communicate with other friends. This would be strong basis of their long life.  

2021年12月13日 Posted by まきしまひでひで at 23:40Comments(0)


Toxic Toxic waste should be removed
Flexible I reserved a flexible train ticket
Enormous He has enormous wealth
Latest I’ll tell you latest news
Plot I was assigned a plot of land
Conservation Conservation led to a increase of forests
Rust I bought a spray for rust
Biased I think he is biased because he dislikes new ideas
Shallow It is difficult for vessels to go shallow areas
Stimulate Our boss stimulated us so that we would win the game

Topic Why many Japanese young people become a part time?

I think the reason is they have a negative image on working. It may seem to be so hard for them to work.  

2021年12月12日 Posted by まきしまひでひで at 23:49Comments(0)